People and Prototypes by Bill Moggridge

The book 'People and Prototypes' has a look from an industry insider's viewpoint on the evolution of design ideas from inspiration to outcome. Moggridge describes his own personal design process and explains the focus on people and prototypes that has been successful at IDEA (one of the worlds leading design companies). He exaplins how the needs and desires of people can inspire innovative designs and how prototyping methods such as 3D printing are shaping the design of digital technology.

"A narrow definition of interaction design is: “The design of the subjective and qualitative aspects of everything that is both digital and interactive.” A broad definition of interaction design is: ‘The design of everything that is both digital and interactive.”
In summary, Moggridge explains the three different types of interaction design. They are:

1. Screen based experiences - Primarily GUI and anything that can be easily programmed for prototyping.
2. Interactive Products - A combination of a physical object with software or a screen, typically involving inputs and outputs.
3. Services - User and company interaction primarily done in the real world.


A reading the explores interactive design through people and prototyping.
